
$ 9.00 /mo

Simple site for those getting started 

  • $0.00, billed every 3 months
  • $90.00, billed yearly
  • 20 Posts
  • 4 Pages
  • 40 Media
  • 75MB Disk Space


$ 14.00 /mo

For musicians & bands growing a fan base 

  • $0.00, billed every 3 months
  • $140.00, billed yearly
  • 40 Posts
  • 6 Pages
  • 80 Media
  • 150MB Disk Space


$ 19.00 /mo

Includes unlimited pages, posts and media 

  • $0.00, billed every 3 months
  • $190.00, billed yearly
  • Unlimited Posts
  • Unlimited Pages
  • Unlimited Media
  • 500MB Disk Space

All plans include

  • 30 day money back guarantee

    If you're not happy within 30 days, we will give you your money back.

  • Style the site however you like

    With our drag and drop page builder.

  • Automated Gig Guide

    Your site has an easy to use gig guide that automatically shows your latest gigs and moves them into your "past gigs" section once they have passed. Venue information can be stored to make adding gigs very quick. Ticket pricing and other details can be added simply.

  • Looks great on any sized device

    All of our sites are completely responsive so they will adapt and look great on any device from phone through to desktop. All of our image and video galleries are the same and will resize your content to fit any device perfectly.

  • Easily sell your music and merchandise

    It's easy to integrate with services like iTunes, Bandcamp, CD Baby and many others. You can embed audio players and widgets easily from all the major players to enable you to sell your music, merchandise and show tickets.

  • Use your own domain name

    We will set you up with a temporary domain to get the site built and you can register and add your own domain name to it when it's done.

  • Daily backups

    Your complete site will be backed up daily so it can easily be restored in the unlikely event of a problem.

  • Daily malware scans

    Your site will be scanned daily for all types of malware attack and if a problem is ever found, it will be fixed.

  • Advanced spam filtering

    All comments left on your site will be scanned for spam & offending comments removed.

  • We keep all the software up to date

    One of the biggest causes of problems with websites is when the software that runs it becomes old or out of date. We make sure these problems never arise by updating all the software for you.

  • You'll never have to worry about technical stuff

    Forget about all the technical stuff like servers and software and just concentrate on the important bit, your music!